TikTok Ban and Alex Looking at it

The Restrict Act, Privacy and the Future of the Internet


Published on April 2, 2023

small cartoon of Alex Chaveriat
TL;DR The Restrict Act aims to protect American citizens from foreign adversaries, but could have unintended consequences. We need a comprehensive privacy framework that holds companies accountable and empowers individuals to have more control over their privacy while still enabling tech innovation.

It doesn't matter if you use TikTok or not; the Restrict Act's implications go far beyond just one social media platform. At its core, the act aims to protect American citizens from foreign adversarial entities. However, it raises concerns about the future of internet freedom and the need for comprehensive privacy laws in the US.

The Restrict Act: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

On the surface, the Restrict Act seems to be a step towards protecting American citizens. By moving TikTok's operations to the US, the company can be subject to domestic security audits, making it more difficult for foreign governments to access user data.

But there's a catch. The bill is written vaguely, allowing for interpretations that could infringe on internet freedom. Although lawmakers have stated that VPNs and similar technologies are not the target, the legislation's ambiguity could lead to unintended consequences.

The Need for a Comprehensive Privacy Framework

Privacy has become a punchline in the US, with many people assuming that their information is always being monitored. Current privacy laws, like the California Consumer Privacy Act or COPPA, are inadequate to cover the full spectrum of data protection concerns.

Europe's GDPR provides a solid foundation for privacy protection but has its limitations and has not evolved with the rapid pace of technology. The US needs a comprehensive privacy framework that holds companies accountable and empowers individuals to have more control over their privacy settings.

Concerns about Restricting Access to Information

One of the internet's core values is the ability to access information freely, without government restrictions. The Restrict Act has the potential to change that, allowing the executive branch to cut off access to certain media sources. This could stifle innovation and hinder the growth of technology.

A Vision for the Future of Privacy and Technology

The ideal solution involves establishing a comprehensive privacy policies and laws that all companies, domestic and foreign, must adhere to. This framework should have strict penalties, expectations, and transparency requirements. It should be simple, easy to understand, and empower individuals to have more control over their privacy.

Technology is growing at an unprecedented rate, and we must embrace this progress while maintaining our privacy. By implementing a comprehensive privacy framework, we can enjoy the benefits of new technologies like AI, augmented reality, and global interconnectivity without sacrificing our right to privacy.

In conclusion, the Restrict Act raises important questions about privacy and the future of the internet. We need a comprehensive privacy framework that can evolve with technology and protect our rights while promoting innovation. With the right approach, we can embrace the future without fear. As always, thanks for reading, and hack on.

Check out my YouTube video Is the TikTok Ban Hiding a Bigger Privacy Concern? or the Hacker Hangouts stream TikTok or TikStop? The Battle for US's Digital Soul